Thursday, January 16, 2014

AR with Contacts + Glasses & Steve Mann with an editorial / commentary of his Augmedidated Life

IEEE Spectrum posted an article with an informative video about Innovega's wearable displays. Check it out at the IEEE Spectrum Website. The diagram is from Innovega, showing their multi-part visual system.

Second article of interest today is the article entitled:
Steve Mann: My “Augmediated” Life What I’ve learned from 35 years of wearing computerized eyewear.
He recounts a story where a car ran into his house, hit and injured him, and how his eyeware helped to catch the very poor driver. The development of his work over the years is really interesting to read about and watch the welding video.

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Xbox One - facial scanning

I know this is a bit old, but it's a fun bit of technology that I wanted to share. The Xbox One Kinect can scan and build a virtual representation of your face. The video online at is a fun watch. Neat to see how they have optimized for hair shape and mass, as well as other color considerations. The Xbox One release date is set for 11/22 in the US, Australia and some European countries.

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Kickstarter - castAR

Here is another video-based Kickstarter, called castAR - augmented reality glasses (AR) with a virtual reality (VR) clip on.

castAR: the most versatile AR & VR system

Thursday, October 10, 2013

ReconstructMe SDK 2.0 released!

Great news!  The latest version of ReconstructMe SDK 2.0 has been released.  This version has the long-awaited color texture mapping combined with the existing feature of 3D volume scans.

Their blog states that you can "capture geometric and color information in real-time," which is a boon for this technology.

More to follow - and feel free to share your experiences here about the new SDK.  Feedback about quality and experiences are welcomed.

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Trouble Running ReconstructMeQt on Laptops and Multiple GPU Machines

When ReconstructMeQT just hangs or won't start, this info may save you a few days of trouble.

ReconstructMeQT may not choose the correct computation device if left to “AUTO: Autoselect best calculation device”  for multi-graphic card machines (such as laptops).

The Alienware laptop I used with a PrimeSense or Asus Xtion Pro Live sensor plugged in during startup of ReconstructMeQT would cause the system to hang and ReconstructMe would have to be manually closed (i.e. through Task Manager).  The system was auto-selecting the low-end built-in graphics card that is useful for power savings, but was insufficient to run ReconstructMeQT. 

Discovering that that was the problem took time with multiple diagnostics.  The NVIDIA drivers were up-to-date, the 32-bit OpenNI drivers installed, the 32-bit camera drivers were there, and basic camera tests worked, and ReconstructMe were all installed.   

To work around this problem:
  1. Unplug any sensors you have for ReconstructMe.  
  2. Close and re-open up ReconstructMeQT (without sensors).  It should start up.  If not, then there's another issue non-related to this post.
  3. Go to the settings: File->Settings
  4. Choose the best “Computation Device” (GPU) listed there.  "Best" can be determined using the Reconstruct Me System Requirements and the GPU Compatibility Matrix 
  5. Before clicking “OK,” plug in the sensor.
  6. Choose “OK” and the re-initialization process is completed.  You will know immediately if your sensor is working under the Computation Device you chose.  Possible total re-start of ReconstructMe may be desired
  • Alienware Laptop M14XR2
  • Processors : Intel i7-3630QM @ 2.40 GHz
  • Installed RAM: 8GB Dual Channel DDR3 SDRAM at 1600MHz
  • 64-bit Windows 7 Professional, SP1
  • Graphics Card: 1 GB GDDR5 NVIDIA GeForce GT 650M with Optimus

Monday, September 23, 2013

Occipital's Structure Sensor Kickstarter Campaign

Occipital's Structure Sensor looks really amazing and makes me want to get an iPad to support it!
Check out Occipital's website, and from there you can link to their Kickstarter video that is really impressive.  Even PrimeSense has a news release about Occipital's campaign.

10/22: Only 9 days left on this Kickstarter:

Thursday, September 12, 2013

ReconstructMe 2.0 - Sept. 16 Release Date

Good news - while I didn't see the Beta Tester registration until after it was closed, ReconstructMe 2.0 should be releasing releasing on Monday the 16th of September to the public.

Looking forward to working with this and hoping it gets translated into the SDK as soon as possible!