Tuesday, September 3, 2013

ReconstructMe SDK - color textures from the RGB camera on the horizon

I have been working with the ReconstructMe SDK and QT application for a few months now.  I can see some very powerful applications and usages.  ReconstructMe is available for download at http://reconstructme.net/.

There is a powerful new extension on the horizon for ReconstructMe - the addition of color mapping.  This would be a great and needed addition for extending the usability and application domain. I'm looking forward to working and using this addition as soon as I can get my hands on it.

ReconstructMe SDK - Colorize Example.ply (click to view in 3D)

ReconstructMe SDK - Colorize Example.ply

1 comment:

  1. can you gave me idea how i this play the texture of stl files ???
